What is a Practice ID and how do I find it?
Your practice ID is a unique code that you can give to patients if you would like them to share glucose data with you through LibreView. Patients can manually enter your Practice ID into their My Practices section within their Your Practice ID is a unique code that you can give to patients if you would like them to share glucose data with you through LibreView. Patients can manually enter your Practice ID into their My Practices section within their LibreView Account to enable sharing.
To find your Practice ID:
-Go to the Settings Menu
-Click the My Practices drop-down. Your unique Practice ID is located under the name of your Practice
Did you know that you can customise your Practice ID? From the ‘My Practices’ drop-down in the Settings menu:
-Select the Practice name
-In the Connect with Patients heading, click the Edit button
-Edit your Practice ID
-Click Save to ensure that your changes are retained
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