Now It's time to transition patients to The Libre 2 Plus Sensors

Libre 2 sensor will be phased out at the end of August 2025.
Find out what you need to do >

Get in touch
with customer services

HCP Helpline Number: 0800 032 1016

Opening Times (excluding Bank Holidays):
Monday – Friday:
8am – 8pm; Saturday: 9am – 5pm

Email us on

Woman working on laptop and mobile phone
Woman working on laptop and mobile phone
Woman working on laptop and mobile phone



Contact Abbott

If you need more support, fill out our short form and an Abbott representative will get in touch directly.

A family of three hugging each other and laughing.
A family of three hugging each other and laughing.
A family of three hugging each other and laughing.

References & Disclaimers

Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.
