References & Disclaimers
Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.
1. FreeStyle Libre systems refers to the FreeStyle Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre 3 systems.
51. Prevalence of Bacterial Contamination of Glucose Test Strips in Individual Single-Use Packets versus Multi-Use Vials, Millán Pérez-Ayala, M.D., Ph.D., Paloma Oliver, Ph.D., and Fernando Rodríguez Cantalejo, M.D., Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology Volume 7, Issue 4, July 2013 © Diabetes Technology Society.
52. Performance of a New Test Strip for FreeStyle Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems, John Paul Lock et al, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. January 2011, Vol. 13, No 1: 1-1
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